Join The Cast!

Click Here For Our Cast Application


In a nutshell, joining the cast is pretty easy, just fill out an application and bring it to our next show. We do not accept online applications as we want to see you in real life and make sure you've actually seen our show. When you bring the application, find a cast member to direct you to our staging manager at the end of the curtain call. If we do not contact you back within two weeks after the show, send us a message on our contact page with your name and email (we usually have a lot going on after shows and it's possible that it was misplaced or put away in someone else’s garter bag).


You should be over 18 years old.
You’re under 18? We hope that you’ll keep showing up to shows and participating in our audience until then!

We want you to show up and participate!
I know, duh, you can't do the show without showing up. But a lot of people think they can show up whenever they want and do whatever they want… Thing is, when we schedule you to do a part or a job, we've slotted you to do a specific thing to help our show and it really screws us when you don't come to do that job, and we gotta get someone else to do it. We realize shit happens, and we all miss shows at one time or another, but if it becomes a regular thing we usually end up parting ways.

We also do have cast meetings/rehearsals, usually about 1 every other month on average that we also want you to attend. They're usually pretty laid back and many times as fun as the show.

We want you to REALLY participate.
We have a lot of fun doing this, and we all get along pretty well for the most part - but, it also takes a bit of work to put on the show. Sometimes people join thinking it's going to be nothing but a social gathering and only a few people do the work putting it all together. While certain longtime members do have more responsibility and do more for this during and even outside of the show nights, we expect everyone to chip in and help out on show nights, even if it's just knowing your role well and having a decent costume, cleaning the theater after the show, and filling in and helping where needed.

Tryouts or auditions and such, or other restrictions for potential cast members?
No, not really. While we do have a few basic acceptance criteria, pretty much anyone that applies is accepted (and if we don't accept you, we will give you a reason why).

What happens when you start?
We will start you and (seriously) just toss you in as soon as we can. Unless the primary role role needs to be filled immediately though, you will likely just start out performing the Transylvanian Guest role and helping out with props and lights. We do mix it up though and regularly alternate and rotate performers, so if you make any effort and show enthusiasm and get together (or have) a costume, you will be like playing a primary role in no time. If you show up, turn in your cast app, and own a tailcoat you’re already ahead of the game.

Tech and Crew and Security, oh my!
We do accept applications for ONLY technical and help positions such as props crew, lighting and security - just note that is what you're interested on your application.

Cast Dues
Cast dues are $2 per show as outlined in our constitution. This helps keep the cast running and lets us put on better shows. Crew members do not pay dues after they’re voted onto the cast.

The Detailed Rules
The Midnight Madness Cast Constitution (in Adobe .pdf format) This goes through all of our rules and guidelines. It outlines your rights as a performer, what we expect of you, and how the cast operates. We do want you to look it over if you join, but most if this is just common sense stuff.